Short Sale Calculator: “Should I Pay Or Should I Walk?”



Many homeowners are asking the question, “should I pay or should I walk awayBusiness People from my home? Taking into account value of homes and outstanding mortgage values, Peter Fredman has come out with an online easy to use calculator.

I Should Walk Away Unless I Think My House Will Be Worth At Least  In___  Years

This Means That My House Must Increase In Value An Average Of______ Per Year for Years.

Mr. Fredman (and many others) are merely pointing out the economics behind millions of homeowners negative equity situations. The fact is that millions of homeowners are considering a short sales…and in many cases…they are considering a short sale as a ’strategic’ financial move.  This is especially true when you consider the benefit of a short sale against a foreclosure.  With the new treasureyguidelines  for short sales many homeowners in 2010 will be taking the route of a short sale.

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